on-site services

Here are some services we offer on site. Is there something else you believe we should be supporting the community with? Get in touch.



We distribute food from Kaibosh (rescue food service) to those in need of some extra kai. Come along to receive a free food parcel. These vary in quantity, quality and contents everyday. Have a cuppa & a chat while you wait (clean up after yourself). If you would like to receive food discreetly, please contact Grant: grant@mmcc.org.nz or 04 388 1944.

Thursdays. Arrive by 9.55am. Bring a bag.

Pātaka Kai

The Pātaka Kai is a free food pantry available 24/7 offering a variety of non-perishables, fruit, vegetables and sometimes even fresh bread. This is located on the street side of our building. We often need donations. Only take what you need and give what you can.

Contact Maddie on maddie@mmcc.org.nz for more information.


Food & Beverage Carton Recycling

The Miramar & Maupuia Community Centre is now a collection point for food & beverage cartons to be recycled. Once collected your cartons will be recycled by saveBOARD where the whole carton is shredded, compressed using heat and made into construction boards for homes and offices. There are three steps you must complete before dropping off your cartons:

  1. Cut along the side and top of the carton leaving the cap attached

  2. Completely open the carton until flat

  3. Rinse your carton until clean of any liquids

We cannot accept any cartons that have not been correctly prepared for recycling.

Want to find out more about what is happening to your cartons?

Visit: https://fbcarton.recycling.kiwi.nz and https://www.saveboard.nz

Collection Hours

You can drop off your recycling between Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm or any other time the centre is open.


Example of a kaibasket box.


How to correctly prepare your food & beverage cartons for recycling

Exposed board used as building material

Some of the products we collect

Food & Beverage carton drop off flyer