Ola Fiafia

Ola - living, life, to live, to thrive. Fiafia - happy.

A Pasifika community-based service to meet the needs of Pasifika who may need support with everyday stressors like stress, anxiety and other factors that contribute to mental distress.

  • Ola Fiafia provides peer, clinical and community support.

  • Open to referrals from GPs, schools, parents, self-referrals, educational institutions, churches, Pacific community services, family members etc.

  • For all Pasifika people within Capital and Coast DHB area (covering Kāpiti, Porirua, and Wellington districts).

Contact below for more information.
0800 652 342 342
2a Raiha St, Elsdon, Porirua
Email tonie.ikivihi@vakatautua.co.nz